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Teave Ikalogic

Ikalogic manufactures logic analyzers (SP209 series and SQ Series) and wireless oscilloscope probes (WS200).

Our range of logic analyzers connect to your computer via USB and lets you analyze and process hours of high frequency signals and spot rare events. State of the art hardware guarantees reliable measurements, and open-source add-on scripts offer in depth protocol analysis.

Ikalogic offers the WS200 world's first wireless oscilloscope probe, which lets you measure analog signals using any Wi-Fi connected screen (Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop or desktop computer).

All Ikalogic products rely on high quality software to provide its users with the best possible experience in the measurement industry.

Toodete nimekiri alates Ikalogic

Test & Measurement

Kuva kõik tooted (10)



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